Should I see a therapist or a life coach?
Updated: Oct 21, 2020
There are a lot of challenges to overcome in this world, and sometimes we need a little support from a professional to get things back on track again. Coaching and therapy have a lot in common, particularly their focus on talking openly out loud. Research has shown that putting our feelings into words can have a significant therapeutic effect on the brain. So being able to speak honestly about what’s going on for you is a really good way to improve your wellbeing.

Now, deciding to get professional help is a big step, but picking the right professional often feels even bigger. Should you see a therapist or a life coach? Which one will give you the support you need? There’s a lot to consider but let's start by looking at the differences between the two.
What’s a therapist and how does therapy work?
Therapists will have master’s or doctorate degrees which allow them to be a licensed professional. They sometimes also go by the name of psychotherapists, psychologists or counsellors. With the years of education required in becoming a therapist, they are well-trained to work with clients who have severe mental health issues, trauma, addiction, grief, and a whole host of other struggles. Therapists are able to give guidance and use their expertise to help you to understand your past and present in order to resolve a problem.
What’s a life coach and how does coaching work?
A coach is more likely to work with people that have less severe issues, or perhaps someone who has worked with a therapist before and is now ready to look to the future and reach their full potential. Coaching assumes that the client has all the answers they need within them, and these answers come to light through self-discovery and exploration, facilitated by the coach. There is a big focus on the future, and an emphasis on accountability and empowerment. Life coaching is not currently a regulated profession, but coaches will often obtain certification through an accredited program. Do ask your coach whether they are certified and what training they have undertaken before agreeing to work with them.
Which one should I go for?
This is down to you. Your first point of call is to ask yourself how ‘well’ you feel. If you’re in a dark place, experiencing intense emotions or feeling completely hopeless, a therapist might be more beneficial for you. Therapists are trained to help people with mental illness and emotional struggles, and they can assist you to heal on the inside so that you are able to go on and make changes on the outside.
If you are generally in a good place but have some struggles or challenges, a coach can help you discover what is holding you back and help you to realise your strengths and your value. Coaching is much more focused on change, and digs into your thoughts and emotions to find solutions. Generally speaking, coaches help you to achieve your future goals, while therapy leans more towards how your past affects your present. That being said, a coach will be able to explore your past, and a therapist will be able to help you reach your goals. It’s all about which one sounds like it will help you more effectively.
Shop around and see what’s right for you
So yes, whilst their approaches are different, therapy and life coaching share a lot of similarities, and different professionals will provide unique services. Do your research and figure out what you are looking for. Would you like it to be quite casual? Would you prefer it online or face-to-face? Do they have experience in your particular situation? Don’t be afraid to get in touch with a few professionals to ask them more questions or perhaps schedule in a phone call to see if you are a good fit for each other.
Investing in coaching or therapy is one of the most valuable choices you can make, and they really can turn your life around. You will get the best results when you work with someone who understands you and who you are able to build a great relationship with. Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t feel quite right for you.